A SAD farewell to two irreplaceable characters who could light up a room with reminiscences.

Bert Jones,at 85 and from Windle, was one of Bomber Command’s ‘last few’. Even older, at 92, was Chris Forsyth, the little old-time watchmaker from Moss Bank.

The double tribute comes from Eric Guest of Slag Lane, Haydock. “I would not like to see them completely forgotten,” he says.

Bert flew numerous bombing missions over Nazi Germany --possibly approaching a record number. He also survived two ‘pancake’ crash landings on returning home.

“Bert was a gentleman to the end,” says Eric, “and it was a privilege to meet him and to feel the pride of Bomber Command radiating from him.

For many years Chris operated his little shop in College Street, where the police station now stands. He could chat about the oldtime St Helens market, lit with gas lights and illuminating flares, He knew many of those old-time traders from the 1920s.

He was a member of today’s Wednesday morning coffee group at the parish church.

Chris also saw active service with the army during the 1939-45 world war and had led an active life.

“Latterly, he was frequently to be found chirpily holding court, on some form in the Hardshaw Centre, with a smile and a word for everyone as they passed by.”

Eric signs off: “We will miss you both!”