Tomorrow I have to leave to get a visa again, but this time I cannot go back to Penang. The regulations here have changed again and now you cannot go to the same Thai Embassy more than two times consecutively, or with the second visa you get a full-page red stamp in your passport that states: No more visas may be issued in Penang or xxxxxxx.

So my easiest and cheapest alternative is to go to Vientienne, Laos. The problem with this for me, is that I have never been there before, so I don't know where to stay or how much the Hotels or guest houses are. I also don't know the local currency, exchange rates, or the location of the Thai embassy, or any agents that can help to do the visa for you.

So this next trip is going to be an absolutely new learning curve for me and at the top of my list of things to do when I get there, is to find somewhere to stay and then to find where I can buy cheap beer and check what type of beer is available there. More about this subject when the legless farang returns from Laos in about one weeks time.

Cheers for now, Legless