I state on the introduction to to my legless blog on my website, that the main reason for me starting my Legless Blog was because of the treatment of Heather Mills by the media and that is still true, but only partially true. Working on the internet most of the time, I had seen some of the hype about blogs and how social media was starting to have a big influence on the web and would eventually control the web, but being more actively involved with my own websites and trying to promote my book on the web, I just scanned over a few posts about it, shrugged it off and then continued with my normal website work.

It was very much later when I kept seeing all of the links on the search engines to various blogs on the internet that I started to take a closer look at this. I was still quite skeptical about the value of blogs at the time, but when I read some of them and saw that many of them were criticising Heather Mills, I decided to create a blog of my own and give her a little support in what I classify as legless unity. I also saw how many of these blogs seemed to be very highly ranked by the search engines, so it is a combination of both of these factors that is the reason why I decided to create my own blog.

I had problems with the search engines acknowledging me when I first started my blog, even though I had linked to it from my own fairly high-ranking websites, but after a relatively short while, my blog eventually started to creep up in the search results. Being a writer now anyway, I could see that all of the words used in any blog post, registers with the search engines and is used in their search for the keywords input for any search. It was only then, that I saw how the power of the word was now very important and that is why blogs rate so highly, because there are far more words used in any blog than there are on a normal website and this gives blogs the advantage to more accurately match up with virtually any keywords input in search. With this knowledge and knowing that the search engines algorithms are now being more tuned towards content rather than just keywords, I see that the blog now becomes a very powerful tool on the internet indeed.

The old saying used to be, that the pen is mightier than the sword, well these days the keyboard is definitely the king, but it still depends upon the calibre of the operator in both instances. Cheers for now, Legless Blog King