When my book, Legless in Thailand, was published last year, I realised that I had to try and promote it myself, because the publisher does not help at all, even though they get 80% of the proceeds from any sales. The only means that was available to me on my very limited budget was the internet and I had my own websites already, so I started promoting my book on my websites, created new pages, selected suitable keywords and started really trying to make my book-related web pages popular with the search engines doing SEO.

Search engine optimisation SEO, has now become a full-time job for me because it does take up a lot of time to do it properly, even on a daily basis. The SEO has worked quite well for my website rankings, although I still do not know if any of my books are being sold, my publisher never gives me any feedback about this and when I query them, they just say that they are only under contract to give me a report on sales two times per year and the two brief reports that they have given me so far have both said that there has been zero sales of my book. I find this very hard to believe with my search engine rankings and daily SEO, but I have no way to check this, my publisher is in America and I am legless in Thailand, they could have sold millions for all I know.

As a by-product of my SEO work for my book, my writing name of John McMiken has also become very high profile on the web, just doing a search on my writing name now, not only brings me up in position one or two on the search engine first result page SERP, I actually come up in every entry on the first two pages of the SERP on some of the major search engines. So now John McMiken has inadvertently become a kind of internet web celebrity. If anyone reading this entry has purchased my book Legless in Thailand, then I would really appreciate some feedback by email, because I get absolutely none from my publisher.

Cheers for now Legless