It has been quiet for a while on the Heather Mills front, but now she is making the headlines again. This time it is about her representing herself in her divorce court proceedings against Sir Paul McCartney. Other prominent UK divorce lawyers are saying things like "She must be mad to do it herself" or "She has a mountain to climb" but I think I understand her. She has had problems before with her previous lawyers about them leaking confidential material to the media and although she doesn't want any leaks to the media, she really doesn't want any leaks about her plan of attack to Sir Paul's legal team and this I think, is what is more important to her. For Heather to feel confident to represent herself in the divorce court, then she must have a very strong case that she knows will guarantee her victory and she does not want any of her plan to leak out ahead of the proceedings.

Like me, she is legless and also like me she copes with it as a normal part of everyday life and doesn't let it get her down, having a prosthetic leg is the last thing she worries about or even thinks about, I know because I am exactly the same, I never give my prosthetic leg a second thought after fitting it in the morning. I don't consider myself to be disabled at all and I am sure that Heather feels and thinks the same way. I am fairly sure that there will be a lot of media hype about Heather very soon, because if Sir Paul has any brains at all, then he should know that she is going to win and worse for him, is that the details of his personal life will be made public in the courtroom, so I am fairly certain that he will make a last minute out-of-court settlement with Heather, to protect his perceived reputation as a nice guy. I am confident that Heather will be triumphant in the end, because she is not the nasty person that is the character that the media are trying to project.

"Good luck to you Heather, give the media their well-deserved come-uppance"

Legless in Thailand