I was going to continue today with the story of my journey from Penang, but yesterday evening a strange thing happened to me. The right side of my face suddenly started drooping and felt paralysed, I couldn't close my right eye or move the right side of my mouth and when I tried to drink, the liquid just spilled out of my mouth on the right side because I couldn't control the right side of my mouth at all. My first thought was that I was having a stroke or something similar, because I have heard that a stroke just affects one side of your body, so I checked my body and everything was fine, only my face had a problem. I was tired anyway, so I thought that maybe if I sleep everything would be back to normal again in the morning. Well I was wrong, I woke up today and it was even worse, I had even less control over anything on the right side of my face at all and it was drooping even more.

I decided to check some of the medical sites on the internet to see if I could find out exactly what was wrong with me and I found out quite quickly what I had. I have a medical problem called Bell's Palsy and apparently this affects about one in every 5,000 people, there is no medication for it and it is not a permanent or dangerous thing, it is just a damaged nerve at the back of the neck and it just takes time to heal, usually about two to three weeks. I found a very good website about this on the internet at: http://www.bellspalsy.ws and they have a lot of information and advice about this condition on their website.

So now I just have to put up with this for a few weeks, at least I know that it will get better, unlike being legless.

Cheers for now, Legless.