Being the last day of the year, I thought that I should write something special for my readers. Most other people write something retrospective, profound, or inspiring for the coming year for their readers, well, don't expect that here, I can't even stand on my own two feet, because I only have one. I had thought about writing a precis of my year, but having just woken up, my brain is not functioning at full power yet, so I had better leave that to another day in the New Year, when I am firing on all cylinders.

Better I just wish all of my readers a happy and prosperous year for 2008, I know that I could certainly do with that. Tonight is New Year's Eve so you are allowed to drink a little, or even a lot and you are expected to get legless tonight, but be careful! Don't get literally legless like me!

My best wishes to all of you for the coming year.

Goodbye 2007 and cheers for now!

Legless in Thailand